August 4, 2020

고백데이를 아시나요? [Do you know what confession day is?]

오늘이 무슨 날인줄 아세요? 고백데이래요~ 왜 고백데이냐 생각하시죠? 그쥬? 오늘 사귀면 빼빼로 데이 때 100일 이라던데용♥
그럼 100일 기념으로 연인과 함께 빼빼로데이를 즐길 수 있겠죠?

Do you know what day is today? 5th of August is one of many confession days available in 2020.
Why August 4? Because today is 100 day before Pepero day (11.11) so if you manage to get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend today, you can celebrate the 100th day of being in a relationship at the same day as Pepero day.

Not only Pepero day, there's a lot of date listed as confession day (I'm not talking about you confessing your sins, lol)
Anyway, here's the list:

2020/2040 confession days

January 27 - 100 days before Children's Day
January 30 - 100 days before Parents' Day
February 28 - 100 days before Memorial Day
May 8 - 100 days before National Liberation Day (8월 15일) 
June 26 - 100 days before National Foundation Day (10월 3일) 
July 2 - 100 days before Hangeul day (10월 9일)
August 4 - 100 days before Pepero day (11월 11일)
September 17 - 100 days before Christmas (12월 25일)
September 24 - 100 days before 1 January
November 7 - 100 days before Valentine (2월 14일)
December 5 - 100 days before White day

You can go to NAVER <--(click this link) and calculate your own date, for example 2020.08.04 to 2020.11.11 (Pepero day) is 100 일째.

My favorite 고백데이 [gobaekdei/gobaek day] is 100 days before Valentine! isn't it romantic to celebrate your 100th on Valentine's day? How about you, what's your favorite 고백데이?

And yeah~ did anyone confess to you? or did you confess to anyone?

전 해줄 사람이 없어서 못받았네요
모태솔로에게는 아무것도 아닌날ㅋㅋㅋ
솔로 만새!


  1. This is interesting. I had absolutely zero idea! And, there is a caculator for that! :D

  2. Waaah, cute 😂 I don't even remember when is the last time I count my relationship days hahahaha since it was a long long time ago 😁 however, sometimes, I still celebrate some of good days though it's not 고백데이 🤭

    If I need to choose, I will choose 100 days before new year because it feels good to watch fireworks with our beloved one 🥳

  3. What kind of confession are you talking about?
    A friend recently wanted to share 20 secrets. Sounded intriguing, but as the days went by and my secrets came to me..... I realized that they are secrets for a reason ;-). Thank you for your visit.

  4. I don't have something kinda like that, especially Indonesian don't do something confession thing.
    But if I can have one, I think I will choose the pepero day :D

  5. Hi, Kim. Thank you for the follow. I'm following you back✌
    Hmm, this is really interesting. But I don't have a boyfriend to celebrate😐 I will just sit in the corner and wait something to happen...

  6. I haven't heard about this before, so thank you for sharing! :)

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! :)

    Away From Blue

  7. Recently, I watched the first episode of More than Friends and the opening was about the 100th day of their relationship and after all her hard work of making him a gift he asks to break up so she chunks the cute coffee cup in the trash. But here in the states it's always a First Grade tradition to celebrate the hundredth day of school which means having a lot of pennies to count, candy and other crafty things, but with COVID I doubt that's happening now.
